
Caching Patterns

Caching has so many applications in computer science starting from disk page caching to advanced caching operations in redis.


Change Data Capture Using Debezium

One of the popular Change Data Capture (CDC) systems is debezium. In this blog post, we will discuss how to set up debezium and how it works internally.


Achieving high parallelism with kafka

In this post, we'll discuss consumer groups and how to achieve parallelism using them in Kafka.


Kafka Internals - Learn kafka in-depth (Part-2)

In my previous post, we learned about the basics of kafka. In this post, let's deep dive into the internals of kafka. How it is designed in such a way that it is highly scalable.


Kafka Internals - Learn kafka in-depth (Part-1)

As part of the Kafka internals series, in this post, I'll be writing a brief introduction to Kafka fundamentals, common jargon and basic architecture.
