
OpenAPI - API documentation standard - Boon for the software engineers

OpenAPI is a standard for API documentation. It acts as a bridge between backend and frontend systems. Using the OpenAPI specification file, we can generate beautiful UI using swagger or ReDoc.


Kafka Internals - Learn kafka in-depth (Part-2)

In my previous post, we learned about the basics of kafka. In this post, let's deep dive into the internals of kafka. How it is designed in such a way that it is highly scalable.


Kafka Internals - Learn kafka in-depth (Part-1)

As part of the Kafka internals series, in this post, I'll be writing a brief introduction to Kafka fundamentals, common jargon and basic architecture.


Resources for cracking system design interview

Let's crack your system design interview.


Resources for cracking data strctures and algorithms interview

Cracking tech interviews is hard. Many companies conduct the first round as a coding round or send a hackerrank / hackerearth / codility test. These involve in data structures and algorithms. Cracking it is not easy. You need good understanding and practice. In this blog post, I'll share some of the useful resources for preparing for the interview.
